Categories of motor vehicles
Categories of motor vehicles
Every motor vehicle belongs in a certain category designated with a capital letter, such as A, B, C, etc. The category of vehicles that you are allowed to drive is added to your driving licence.
The main categories of motor vehicles are explained briefly below. Click on the "Read more" near category to read about driving courses and obligatory state exams.
Categories, in turn, are divided into subcategories designated with letters and numbers. For example, categories A1 and A2 are motorcycles with limited motor power. If you are interested in specific categories or subcategories, click here.NB! Unladen mass - vehicle weight without passengers and cargo. Maximum mass - the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle with a driver, passengers and cargo.

Main Categories
AM – moped
Engine capacity
Permitted speed
Number of wheels
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the course

A – motorcycle
Engine capacity and net power
Number of wheels
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirement for receiving a driving licenceyou have held a driving licence for any category car, including a provisional driving licence

A – motorcycle (trike)
You are also allowed to drive one with a category B driving licence (incl. a provisional driving licence).
Engine capacity and net power
Number of wheels
Minimum ageif the net power is over 15 kW

B – passenger car
Which vehicles can you drive with a category B driver's licence?
Number of seats
Towing a trailer
Maximum mass
Minimum age
Requirements for starting the course

B with code 96 – a passenger car with a trailer
Studying at the driving school is not required. For code 96, you must simply take a special driving exam at the Transport Administration.
Number of seats
Maximum total mass
Requirement for taking the exama provisional driving licence is enough

BE – a passenger car with a heavy trailer
Number of seats
Maximum total masscar up to 3,500 kg + trailer up to 3,500 kg
Requirements for starting the coursea provisional driving licence is enough

C – lorry
Trailer's maximum mass
Minimum age
Requirements for starting the coursecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)
Requirement for receiving a driving licencecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)

CE – a lorry with a heavy trailer
Trailer's maximum mass
Minimum age
Requirement for starting the driving lessonsyou can start studying for categories C and CE simultaneously
Requirement for receiving a driving licence

D – bus and trolleybus
Passenger seats
Trailer's maximum mass
Minimum age
Requirements for starting the coursecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)
Requirement for receiving a driving licencecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)

DE – bus with a heavy trailer
If you have a category CE and D driver's licence, you automatically obtain the permit to drive a category DE combination of vehicles.
Trailer's maximum mass
Requirements for starting the course

T – tractor
T category vehicles can also be driven having other categories. More info here.
Minimum age18 years if the maximum mass of the tractor is over 18 t
Age for starting the coursefrom 17.5 years if the maximum mass of the tractor is over 18 t
Requirements for starting the course

A1 – motorcycle
Engine capacity
Motor powerif the motorcycle has three wheels, then up to 15 kW
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the course

A2 – motorcycle
Engine capacity
Motor poweror power density up to 0.2kW/kg
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the course

B1 – passenger car
NB! These vehicles are very rare.
Number of wheels
Unladen massif the vehicle is meant for transporting goods, then up to 550 kg
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the course

C1 – lorry
Designed for the carriage of goods. Category C1 can be acquired along with category B (the so-called BC1 category).
Maximum mass
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the courseprovisional driving licence is enough

C1E – a lorry with a trailer
Trailer's maximum mass
Maximum total mass
Requirements for starting the course

D1 – bus
Passenger seats
Minimum age
Age for starting the course
Requirements for starting the coursecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)
Requirement for receiving a driving licencecategory B driving licence (a provisional driving licence and the limited right to drive do not count)

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