Driving theory tests and textbooks by Liikluslab
Prices of the best driving study materials
Study in English
90 days
50 mock exams
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Theory Test Training
Exam Assistant Pro

Traffic Rules in Simple Terms
Safety, psychology, insurance, technical condition
-15% Snabb services for 1 year
-20 EUR casco insurance, free assistance with compensation
Health Check in Tallinn
Pass a health check and get a driver’s health certificate
Drivers’ Health Check
Book a time
AM, A1, A2, A, B, BE, C, CE, D, T
Health check in Tallinn
Issue of health certificate (in the absence of contraindications)
Transferring health certificate data to partner driving school
E-learning by Liikluslab
Online learning replaces the theory course at the driving school
Online driving school
90 days
50 mock exams
Online theory course
Theory Test Training
1 virtual driving video exam attempt (only in Estonian, Russian)
-15% Snabb services for 1 year
-20 EUR casco insurance, free assistance with compensation
The course is provided by the driving school
Final stage
7 days
Final stage e-learning (winter driving)
The course is provided by the driving school